IAGEH Student's feedback to the education as GeEnergetiker® - IAGEH International Academy for Spiritual-Energetic Harmonization

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IAGEH Student's feedback to the education as GeEnergetiker®

These are the statements of the students of the IAGEH:

"In the beginning I was really in doubt about it if I can do it. But it is real, everybody can learn it."

"We've got a lot of knowledge about how to strengthen health and about self-healing.

"Now I know, which effects my thinking has on my health. In the beginning I was really frightened about that. Before I made the course many of my thoughts were really wrong. No wonder that I always was so weak and out of energy. No I'm able to change my thinking in a way that I feel good. I'm feeling a lot of energy in my body now."

"With the
MPK-methodic I can strengthen my self-healing forces everytime. That gives safeness to me. Since I'm in the education I feel more powerfull."

"I not only became aware of a lot of things in my life, my whole body has straighten up somehow.

"Since I'm in the education, being together at home and at work has changed a lot. It is really more lovingly and in harmony, because I've changed.

"It isn't always easy to look into yourself. I had ups and downs during the education. But I felt very safe the whole time. Good feeling. Thank you all.

"It is simply nice to be among like-minded people. I've found new friends.

"The education as
GeEnergetiker® is really related to practice. The practice and the scientific measurements made me feel secure."

"I've found a new job-related perspektive and the good thing on that is, that with my work as
GeEnergetiker® additionally I can help others."

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